Offices and Services

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering shares the use of the Computer Buildings complex with other units of the university, including the Faculty of Technology offices. The Department also has offices in adjourning buildings like the ICT center and the African Center of Excellence (ACE) in Software Engineering, an organization that provides high quality postgraduate education for the uptake and commercialization of research and technology.

The structure of the Computer Building Complex from the top down is as follows:

Third Floor

  • Office of the Dean, Faculty of Technology

  • Obafemi Awolowo University Network Control Centre (OAU NCC)

  • Offices of some staff of the department

Second floor

  • General office, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • General office, African Institute of Science and Innovation Policy (AISIP)

  • Departmental board room

  • Offices of some staff in the African Institute of Science and Innovation Policy (AISIP) and Computer Science and Engineering Department

First floor

  • Offices of academic staff in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Offices of some staff in the university computer center

Ground floor

  • Various hardware and software laboratories

  • Nigeria Association of Computing Students (NACOS)

Services provided include the following:

  • Communication facilities provided by the Information Technologies and Communication Unit (INTECU)

  • The Petroleum Development Trust Funds (known as STEP-B) laboratory for research

  • The African Center of Excellence in Software Engineering for software design and implementation research

Each research group in the Department has its laboratory to facilitate sound and quality research.