
Discover Arduino & Logic

Join us for an exhilarating 2-Day Workshop on Logic Tutor and Arduino.

Explore the world of logic and unleash your creativity with Arduino. To discover the full timetable and reserve your spot, click here now!

Welcome to

The Department of
Computer Science
And Engineering.

Welcome To Our Department

I welcome our students back to academic work after eight months of break due to the industrial impasse between the ASUU and FG. The 2021/2022 Session has resumed immediately with the revision of the calendar as published by the University Administration. On behalf of the staff of Computer Science and Engineering, I assure our esteemed students of quality teachings and demonstrations. To enrich your learning experience, the department is exploring the vast opportunities provided by e-learning. Please note that Google Classroom will be employed to supplement physical classroom teachings. I empathize with the additional cost for Internet connectivity you would incur. But, I can assure you that it will be worth the investment.  In the same vein, I would expect from our students dedication and conscientiousness to their studies.

To serve you satisfactorily, I advise our students to seek information on-time from their Part Advisers as the first point-of-call for information. However, in the event of dissatisfaction, you can seek an audience with the Head of Department. But, as a matter of policy, you are encouraged to carry along with you, in all matters, your Part Advisers.

To our distinguished alumni and industry partners, we appreciate you overly for your continuous support and advice in moving our great Alma Mata to greater heights. Please keep sending in your donations and suggestions.

Just to remind you again, your department is a foremost department, in West Africa, in the capacity building of young people and minds in Computer Science and Engineering (undergraduate and postgraduate). Your darling department has been in this business since 1970. It is an onerous task to keep the flag flying higher, but with all hands on deck, it is a done deal. So, do not distance yourself from the department. Come and let us build it together. I thank you all for your time. Kindly share your feedback with me. I assure you of my prompt attention.


Head: Professor Ayodeji O. Oluwatope


Our Structures

Our Lecturers