Instructor Category: Our Staffs

Afolabi A.O

Qualification: BSc. Computer Science with Economics(OAU), MSc. Computer Sceince(OAU), PhD Computer Science (UEF) Rank: Senior Lecturer Research Interest and Current Research Activities: Research areas: Software Engineering, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Health Informatics, Digital animation. Current Research activities: Indigenous Digital Animation, Text2Sign and Sign2Text Artificial Intelligence Project, Electronic Point of Sales for SMEs Area of specialization: Information […]

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I. P. Gambo

Qualification: BSc., MSc., PhD Rank: Senior Lecturer Area of Specialization: Software engineering and Information Systems Ishaya’s research is in the area of software engineering (SE), particularly in requirements engineering (RE), software testing, and software architecture. He appreciates applying his research in the healthcare domain. The emphasis of his research is on users’ and developers’ perspectives […]

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Asahiah F. O.

Qualification: BSc. MSc, Ph.D. Computer Science Rank: Senior Lecturer Research Interest and Current Research Activities: Language Processing, Intelligent Systems, design and development Development of Spell checkers for three Nigerian languages, Sentiment Analysis, Development of a parallel corpus for translation of sign language to English language. Area of specialization: Human Language Processing, and Intelligent System. I have […]

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P. A. Idowu

Qualification: BSc (Computer Sc/Econs), MSc (Computer Sc), MPhil (Computer Sc) & Ph.D. (Computer Sc) Rank: Professor Research Interest and Current Research Activities: Health Informatics, Software Engineering, and Data Science Area of specialization: Health Informatics, Software Engineering, Data Mining, GIS, and Data Science Peter Adebayo Idowu is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, […]

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Ikono R N

Qualification: BSc. MSc, Ph.D. Computer Science Rank: Senior Lecturer Research Interest and Current Research Activities: Requirement Engineering, Usability, and health informatics Area of specialization: Information System Dr. Rhoda Ikono is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Obafemi Awolowo University, located in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Her research interests focus on applying computing […]

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